Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation ( Part 1)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (PART 1)
We researched into codes and conventions of title sequence in our lesson and in our free time. In addition , we analyzed title sequences our self such as ‘Zombieland’ ‘SE7EN ‘and other chosen ones for our self ‘Mars Attack’ and ‘Sinster’ was the two I analyzed   which you can read on my blog.
From the research we found out that title sequence create enigmas, like in SE7EN they highlight key clues about what might happen in the film. Once I watched the film , I noticed links from the title sequence to the film such as the filing of his fingerprints. From this concept of creating a enigma for the audience , as a group we decided that we will be doing this also. The enigmas we highlighted in our title sequence was the connotation of the colour red in the title appearing of ‘Apartment 6’ we used a flash of red colour to try and signify death in this apartment whether previously or in the film. In addition, the photos of the family and individuals are all photographs of his blood family which died here as he got put up for adoption. The underline story of his adoption, is shown when a flash appears of a message saying ‘Had to give Daniel away today’. Also, a flash to a diary flicking though pages happens throughout our title sequence. This is actually his mother diary and holds key information  , about his family life which who Daniel never knew or remembers .The apartment is strongly possessed as the pages flick through faster with no one their , and with the door shutting at the end. But also we used close ups of Daniel in the apartment looking around , so you don’t give his identity away. He is a dark figure. The point of the enigma is for the audience to engage into your film as they have questions which they want to be answered. Some are as follow:
·         Whose diary is that?
·         Who is the dark man in the apartment?
·         Who are the people in the photo?
·         Who is Daniel?

Also , another convention we learnt about was that shows are indication of the   setting , for example in a title sequence we carried research on , in ‘Zombieland’ the setting is established as you can tell its in a town in America , through the shops shown  in the background of the chaos in the streets. In addition, the first opening is a man in orange prison clothes which establish the location in America. In our ‘apartment 6 ‘title sequence,  we established the main setting of course to be in the apartment itself. The whole title sequence is filmed with in this location and by the title name , you can tell as the audience that of course the main location is in a apartment. By showing the apartment is dark and the closing of the door and pages flicking by itself , as a audience you establish that this apartment is haunted by some paranormal figure.

The music of horror as to be dark and have a beat to create tension or a climax, for the audience to be scared off. For our title sequence , we used a heart beat throughout to link to show Daniel emotions and feeling of walking around this  apartment. He is scared so therefore and loud heartbeat is used which has a knock on effect onto the audience. The music we used ‘ Awareness’ has a eerie atmosphere to build suspense.

As a group , we didn't want to uses all the title sequences titles which were as followed and the ones highlighted in red show the ones we used. As you can see , we didn't want to use them all because we felt this would drag our title sequence out and we wanted to it be short.

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