These our the feedback results sheets that our class and teacher gave us after seeing the first screening of our films title sequence. Overall we got : one - 3 star and three - 2stars. Which is what we are very pleased with seeing as we have not finished and still got loads more to added in such as , few more shots , title shots ect.
What went well ?
Overall , the feedback sheet show that what went well was:
- 'The whole idea! '
- The close up of the door number
- The music
- The cuts to the diary flicking pages
- Camerawork
- Misensce
- Enigma
- Lighting
- The tension created throughout
What needs improving:
- The editing doesn't communicate the pace
- Repetitive
- Steady Camera
What doesn't work / needs to be done:
- Titles
- Try to comunicate the genre more.
- Finnish the tittle sequence.
From these feedback , we are overall impressed and thought we have done tremendously well with all the set backs , such as the filming issues to begin with and being behind to make up a whole new film idea , we feel that our hard work has payed off to have such good feedback with a unfinished piece.
Whats next?
We will take into consideration and as the leader of the group , the positive are obviously going to stay in the title sequnce as that what the audience feedback said worked well of course . But in addition , for the feedback that needs 'improving' we will go through the editing once we finished adding the final clips in to communicate the pace more ( Preferably a fast pace build up )
However , the steady camera idea is decided that we cant do nothing about as we cant re film everything again in this amount of time but for the shots that are needed to be added , we will make sure they are steady.
From the feedback that doesn't work : to communicate the genre more , we are going to added a paranormal shot of a door rapidly closing to suggest that their is a ghost in the house to build suspense to the audience at the end of the title sequence. This can show there is 'now way out' and he is possibly going to die in the film. In addition , to communicate the horror genre more we will add a overlap of a more ' horror/spooky ' type music over the heartbeat to give off a more scary atmosphere for the audience. As well , we spoke about the idea of when the title come into place , that paranormal sounds like slams and bangs will appear with it to make the audience feel scared ect to suggest about the haunted apartment. And the verbal feedback from the audience hearing this , once said after hearing the feedback about lack of genre communicate , said that the idea ' will work ' . Finally we are going to be putting in the same work and from the next free lesson , shall be making sure we achieve these targets and when we show our second screening the audience will be happy and we will get more positive feedback from taking in to consideration their feedback.

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