Wednesday 14 November 2012

Media - Title sequence quotes from article with opinions

Daniel Kelly – Media Studies Homework

1) ‘Animation effects like the ones you see in rotoscopes actually pre-date film. But the power of filmmaking was enormous, and it tempted thousands, including many artists, to try their hand at this new medium
 This quote interesting in showing the impact the film industry made on animation effects they used and the way in influenced ‘thousands’ of people and even ‘artist; to try the new effect.
2)‘As much as possible, they liked to convey the tone of a movie through the “dressage” of its main title. Thus, blackletter fonts in the opening credits were used to evoke horror, ribbons and flowery lettering suggested love, and typography that would have been used on “Wanted” posters connoted a western flick.  -
This shows how they started improving the typography in the title sequence by trying to infer to the audience the genre of the film through the ‘dressage’ of the words.

3)Whatever technique he used, Bass summarized the film as a metaphor that often shone with creativity
 This quote shows the impact Bass had on the title sequence, with him being know as the god father of title sequence . He was so talented he was able to summaries film in a way through the title sequence alone.

4)‘Pixar and Disney have reserved crucial parts in the branding of their films for the title sequences. Using animated characters to introduce viewers to the story became a popular trend. Such talented graphic designers as Susan Bradley (Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., WALL-E, Ratatouille), Jaimi Caliri (Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events), Dave Nalle (Corpse Bride), Michael Riley (The Back-Up Plan, Kung Fu Panda) and Michael Curtis (Brother Bear) use all manner of tools to test different approaches to designing titles. One thing these individuals have in common is a drive to find a strong metaphor and tell an exciting story with their sequences.
- Being a big Disney fan , it was interesting seeing the fact them and Pixar started firstly to introduce character to introduce to audience  to the story and they started a popular idea in like a chain for the film industry. In addition like bass , they was able to tell a story in there sequence with a strong metaphor throughout.

5) ‘But the measure of a title design’s quality is the same now as it was in the silent era. Whatever function they perform, titles remain an essential part of film.
Showing the actual impact the title sequence as and how ‘essential’ it is for the actual film with them being there. They set the scene and without them , the audience won’t get a feel of the film before they start watching it


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